Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve!

I'd like to take this time to thank everyone who's shown there love this Holiday! I can't imagine having a better family or set of friends at this time in my life. You have all impacted my life and therefore my holiday by something small or large. I appreciate your emails and phone calls.

I find more appreciation this year than most since I am spending Christmas Eve alone. I never thought I would spend a Christmas alone, but alas, here I am in Chicago away from the fam on 12/24. It's not horrible I tell you, just unexpected. Due to Nolan's job he isn't in any better position than me. He is actually on a boat in rural Illinois, did I mention on a boat, in the cold... OYE! Keep him in your thoughts as he works through the most snow Illinois has seen in a December ever on record (that might be an exaggeration). He deserves all the best tonight as he bears the cold to bring home the big bucks!

Some other good news, Adam got a job, and has officially graduated college!!!!!! I couldn't be more proud of my older brother. As stubborn as he is I knew he wouldn't give up and I am excited that he can finally pay his own rent! Way to go bro!

Merry Christmas,

Love to you all!

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