Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Unexpected

With pregnancy I knew I was in it for the long haul including tiredness, naps, irritability, odd cravings, constipation, less patience, and more aches and pains.  I didn't know I opted in for a few other things.

HOT FLASHES - I thought this was reserved until I go through "the change."

SNOT - More than I can feasibly explain.

BLOODY NOSES - undoubtedly due to the amount of snot, thus more blowing.

A FEELING OF BEING KICKED IN THE VAGINA!  Yes, for the last 3 weeks I feel like someone (I have a hunch of who) just booted me in the lady bits!  Don't get me wrong, I was perfectly anticipating this feeling but thought it would coincide with an arrival of a baby. (During my doc visit this week (week 37) I learned the little one has dropped a bit which might explain the lovely feeling.)

BURPS -  A lot of unexpected ones, a lot of hurtful ones (citrus be gone), ones I can't get rid of until I move b/c my innards have shifted and it takes some wiggling and adjustments to find their escape.

CURSING THE BABY KICKS - I loved when I first felt the baby move, now with it's forcefulness I want to kick it right back.
PROPOSITIONING THE PEDICURE LADY - I was so grateful when she put on my shoes and tied them that I asked if she was willing to come home with me!

GETTING HIT ON - Hi, I feel like an overstuffed turkey, I didn't know classified existed for "Men seeking Pregnant."

Sunday, April 17, 2011


It is about 95% done.

I still need a lamp for those late night feedings and fill a couple white frames from Ikea.

Here is the nursery just waiting for baby!

Looking in from the hallway.

 Looking from the window.

Stepping in through the door.

I have a few frames that will go above the chest of drawers.

The moose that brought on the animal inspiration!

The great artwork that we received from D!

 One of the projects I took on that Nolan did!  He's so nice!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Nursery Trees

Trees for the animal room!

I alluded to the nursery design in my last blog entry.

Here are a series of photos depicting our before and after of the nursery wall with the trees.

Before we reveal the rest, I need to clean up a bit more and hang the curtains!  I also wish I had taken photos with some other device other than my iPhone - sorry for the graininess.

The color is rightfully named 'SQUIRREL' for our forest animal room!
 Nolan, happily cutting out some shapes!
Painter's tape goes up along with the shapes.
 It all gets painted white.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Nursery Room

Slowly over the last week we've made a LOT of progress in the nursery.

I am so excited for the outcome which will be revealed soon because I still need to take off some of the blue painter's tape.

Below is my inspiration for the room's paint job.

I was also inspired by Jen Loves Kev blog; she painted her master room with Birch trees.

Tonight we take the tape off and see how it all went!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fun Preggo-related videos!

I hope you find this as amusing as I do!

Oh, and this might be my new workout regime!  What do you think?
I love this!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


As I eat cereal for the last time in my old address I contemplate life....  not really I think that's the baby kicking and me wondering what else I can stuff in my mouth.

We're moving this weekend, hooray!

My old boss allowed us to move in early even though our current lease doesn't end until 5/31.  Because we have a baby on the way, I think she pitied us!  So with ~6 weeks to go we're moving.


But the wonderful thing is, the new place has a 2nd bedroom, which we painted last night (yes, I will show photos).  Today we move in our furniture and tonight we get to spend the night there.  I am so exhausted already.  Nolan, bless his heart, has moved 70% of our place already.  He is amazing! 

Below are photos of the new place.
 The building
 Our unit is the Garden Apartment
This is the beach behind the building!  So excited for summer!
The man is Nolan's dad, not a guy named Beach.